Growth Strategy Review

Growth Strategy Review Report

Our Revenue Strategic Review is aimed at getting our engagement off on a firm footing as it is an opportunity to identify and discuss all the key issues, establish your priorities, and agree timescales.

The Strategic Review is a stand-alone piece of work which you can implement yourself internally, Alternatively, you can engage with us to support you in executing the recommendations contained in the review.

The Strategic Review is up to 4 days of work. It is tailor-made for each client and focuses on the key issues and opportunities the basic process is as follows:

  1. Initial Research: This may be reviewing business/marketing plans data analysis or interviewing stakeholders in the company. This will enable the advisor to create lines of enquiry in advance.

  2. Strategic Workshop. This will take place with the company stakeholders where the key issues and opportunities are discussed, and major priorities and timescales will be agreed. This might be in the form of an on-site meeting of 4 -5 hours or two x 2-2.5 hour group video calls.

    We use different management tools for different challenges, but these might include Business Model Canvas, SWOT, MOST Analysis, Ansoff’s Matrix, Balanced Scorecard, PEST Analysis etc.

  3. Report: This will include key observations and analysis and will include a 90-day plan outline and recommendations.

  4. Follow up: A further meeting with company stakeholders to discuss the report agree priorities, timescales and – if the client wants ongoing input from us – the amount of additional support from Insights Led.
If you would like to learn more about how our Strategic Review can help you, please give us a call on 07817 529 695 or complete the form below.