Customer Development

Customer Development Process

The Strategic Review is up to 4 days of work. It is tailor-made for each client and focuses on the key issues and opportunities the basic process is as follows:

Start-ups need an effective customer development process as well as a product development process.
We help start-ups to build their business through the steps of the customer development process:

  • Customer Discovery: ensures that you understand your target customers’ problems, establish that there is a market and your proposed solution will meet their needs.
  • Customer Validation: Build your MVP, test it with customers and validate the business model.
  • Demand Creation: develop a sales and marketing plans and ramp up end-user demand.
  • Business Building: transforming the start-up and restructure to become main-stream provider in their market.

If you would like to learn more about how we support start-ups to achieve success, please give us a call on 07817 529 695 or complete the form below.